MU4501 is equipped with Kubota Quad 4 Piston (KQ4P) engine, a extremely powerful, high fuel efficient 4 Cylinder engine with a narrow piston ring which reduces friction and ultimately improves fuel efficiency.
Massey Ferguson 7250 DI is one of the popular tractor models from the Massey Ferguson tractor brand in India. Massey Ferguson is popularly known for its best-in-class tractors and engines in the tractor segment in India. This success has been due to the result of manufacturing tractors for many decades in India.
Massey Ferguson 390T 1996 “N” reg 5870 hours 18×6 gearbox Chilton Front Loader 16.9 R34 rear tyres 99% & 13.6 R24 Front tyres 80% Only 2 owners from new with the last having owned since a year old! Genuine untouched original condition! Comes with silage grab and bucket
4 cylinder Perkins engine 60 horse power 2 wheel drive and 4wd options 8 or 12 speed transmission Power steering 540 PTO Oil braking system CAT 2 Three point linkage Towing draw bar (upgradable to automatic pick up hitch) Additional Optional Extras available include Front weights & Sun Canopies
Kubota NSPU-68C Rice Transplanter gives an operational performance very better to that possible with manual transplanting or even when working with a walk-behind transplanter.
Together, these advantages make possible the production of solid yields of high-quality rice that give to the achievement of modern profitability.
this Kubota NSPU-68C Rice Transplanter effortlessly responds with maximum comfort to the requirements of professional customers attempting to expand and rationalize operations.
For taking on the toughest rice-paddy and sprayer work, nothing outperforms the Kubota 4 wheel drive L3408 tractors.4WD feature provides an extremely tight turning radius with full power transfer to the wheels at every steering angle. Additionally, the water-tight seal makes these tractors perfect for the challenges of working on rice-paddy fields.
This Little Master is a real workhorse with high performance 21 HP E-TVCS ENGINE, unmatched width of 3 feet, four-wheel drive and turning radius of 2.1m.